Peroxide Burns & Gemstones

Today has started off pretty chilled out.

I had a really long lie in this morning with no alarms  or banging on the door at the last minute! So yes, the weekend, AND my break from work has started off great! Yesterday I tried out the ‘skin test’ for peroxide bleach and my skin started getting really irritated and burning up/turning red. Consequently I gave up on that form of doing it. So this morning I decided to try out a ‘natural’ method of doing this, as I do envisage it looking so cool! 

So yes! I’ve had a look through the whole lame ten ways page on how this can be done

TEN WAYS to lighten your hair

I’ve started with the salt method since the ingredients are pretty much all there. I’m currently sitting here at my desk with salty water dripping from my ends and a towel around my neck. I hope all this effort comes to something. I reckon it’ll be a long process using natural ingredients. We shall see.

If you stick around I’ll post up a picture of the hair when it does look cool, hopefully you won’t see burning red skin in the background though!

ANYHOW! Back to business.

This weekend is going to be somewhat of a rush again! I haven’t managed to work on my art much recently due to being so busy, and loads of friends being about, but hoping to do some stuff soon and show you all.

In the meantime I think I will post up some photos of my jewellery that I made a short while ago, that will be due to go up on etsy very very soon!

Earliest attempt at jewellery making at a course in the old house of William Morris in Wimbledon
Earliest attempt at jewellery making at a course in the old house of William Morris in Wimbledon



[listening to Disarm-Smashing Pumpkins]

Peroxide Burns & Gemstones