Freitag! I’ve come to an end but at least I tried

So here we are.

First working week of my new blog done.

What’s more, it’s the weekend.

Recently I’ve been avoiding contact with humans during weekdays. I just don’t have time for them other than a few select people. Besides, all the people at work kind of bore me. I mean most of them get irrationally excited about stupid shit. At least in my opinion. Oh well not here for that much longer. Im leaving early August. Then I should be going back to university in September.

Well, there is one guy who I can actually have a conversation about non-work related topics. I mean I can talk to him about music and art and the likes. Which is great as I can do that pretty much endlessly. If only the workplace had a little leeway for casual talk. My boss just makes it completely awkward so I’ve basically shut off to everything apart from matters concerning the projects that I’m working on. This year has been a total drag, but hey!

So yeah I spent yesterday lunchtime sitting under a tree in the park near the office sketching for about half an hour (whilst fighting the perils of hayfever), listening to the Singles Movie soundtrack. Which is great by the way if you have time for it. The movie is set in Seattle in the nineties. It’s a kind of romcom but contains cameos from various Seattle heroes such as members from Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam etc. yeah I’m a sucker for self deprecating alienated 90s music. 

Singles soundtrack CD
 So yeah! Normally on Fridays a bunch of my colleagues (generally the younger ones) would go out for lunch. But to be honest I don’t have time for that. These people have nothing interesting to say. They talk about the weather, world geography, the theatre. I mean these things are ok, but there’s just no one who I can share my passion for art and music with. 

I’ve tried and tried believe me. No one is eccentric or feeds off my eccentricity either.

I get a feeling this will be yet another day of me sat under that tree with my sketchbook out. I mean that’s not a problem I find my own company entertaining and love to be alone with my thoughts most of the time.

Sketchbook excerpt

Anyway hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze a few hours into my artwork this weekend. 

God it’s been a long time and I do have a few fresh ideas in the mix.



[Listening to: Daydream Nightmare – The Great Society]

Freitag! I’ve come to an end but at least I tried

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